MerMay 2018 Sketches and Prints
Here are some MerMay 2018 Sketches and Prints I did for the hash tag ‘#MerMay‘. The mermaid sketches will be made into Prints, and Originals will be for sale in the Shop.
The hash tag was created by Disney veteran Tom Bancroft. What is MerMay? It’s a month-long celebration of MERMAIDS during the month of May.
Swimming To The Top Print
Starfish Print
Sharks Print
Jelly’s Print
On An Island Print
Little Fishies Print

Written by | jojo
My name is Joseph Pedroza. I'm a Character Animator and Graphic Artist living in the Greater Los Angeles area.
Currently I’m working as a Freelance Graphic Artist, providing Graphic Design and Web Design Services to personal and small businesses.