The Depot – Animated Short
The Depot – Animated Short Directed by Mark Aguilar and Produced by Red Giant Production Team, Mike Rogers and Mike Libonati.
Here’s a Flash Animated Short I worked on as a Background Artist while going to school at The Art Institute of California Los Angeles.
Title: The Depot
Written & Directed by: Mark Aguilar
Produced by: Mike Rogers & Mike Libonati, Red Giant Production Team
Art Direction: Mark Aguilar
Background Artists: Joseph Pedroza, Joe Henderson, Sarah Harrison, Emeroy Bernardo
Concept Design: Mark Aguilar, Tony Mendez, Heather Hicks, Nestor Estrada
Supervising Animators: Joseph King, Orlando Gutierrez
Animators: Raphael Oceguera, Travis Mangaoang, Margaret Griffin, Willie Loughmiller, Mike Pugh, Stephen Eusebio, Juan Zavala, Nic Parris, Ervin Ellis, Chris Gifford
Sound & Editing: Jason Matthews
Title Sequence: Raul Alvarado II